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Monday, February 26, 2024

End of February Chookshed Challenge Linkup

The end of February #2 link up is here!  Some of you finished by mid-month link up and posted there.  That is great you finished early!

If you would like to link up your end result, please do.  I am also listing everyone in the group's link below the linky party for those who don't decide to link up.

My top is nearly done.  I hope to link up my own post before February 29th.

Links to participants: 

Deana - You are here!
Narelle - Pins and Whiskers - in her left sidebar


  1. Jeepers Deana, i have just got the middle of the month post done!! This month has flown by!!

  2. I haven’t done anything since my mid month report. Won’t be seeing anything done on it for a while. At least I got it started.

  3. My finishes are on my blog since I can't figure out how to link. Techie challenged.

  4. I think we all did rather well.

  5. I failed for Feb but I did find my project......


Welcome all comments! We LOVE to hear that others are visiting and viewing our projects. It makes our day.