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Sunday, January 1, 2023

Best of 2022 Challenge

 Meadow Mist Designs has once again hosted a "Best of 2022" Linky Party and I am all in.  Let's see...what 5 posts were my favorite this past year?  They are listed in no particular order.

1.  For the Birds - Top is Done  This post just makes me smile.  I love the quilt that I finished and the projects I pondered on.  I never put that bicycle on the back or made my windmill block or finished the "Barn" quilt, but it was still a hopeful, happy post.  You should see it now all quilted - love it!

2. Two Quilts back from the Quilter   It is just like Christmas to get quilts back.  That Christmas one made me so so happy and is a favorite!  She did an amazing job!

3. More Retreat Photos  This retreat near my hometown was truly a highlight of my year.  Revisiting this post brings back those wonderful three days!

4. Quilty Ladies Oh boy did I have a blast making these Crazy Quilty Ladies!!  They still make me smile as I scroll down through their photos.  I hope to get this one done soon!

5. April One Monthly Goal This one stands out because Masterpiece was finally done - yay!  It was a great accomplishment for me!


  1. I love how different your projects are! I love Masterpiece, Quilty Ladies, For the Birds and your Christmas quilt, all for different reasons. What ties them all together is how perfect your fabric choices are and the skill of your execution. Happy New Year!

  2. It would be really hard to select just five! All of your pieces are so beautiful. Happy New Year.

  3. Wow, you have had a really busy December - as well as great projects throughout the year. Hoping that you have had a wonderful Xmas and new years and look forward to seeing what treasures you create in 2023 ❤️

  4. Wow, I can see why you call it your Masterpiece!!! So many tiny pieces! Such a variety of quilts! So much fun!!!

  5. Love, love, LOVE that Crazy Quilty Lady!!!


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