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Thursday, May 2, 2024

April 350 blocks challenge and PHD Report

 350 blocks challenge by Prairie Moon

Jan blocks made: 27

Feb blocks made: 74

Mar blocks made: 84

Apr blocks made:  93

Total YTD blocks made: 278

1 raffle block

4 Boat Shed blocks 

1 Jam

1 Layer Cake

1 Sifter

1 honey jar

4 Boundless Bag (Mint, Pink, Black)

1 blue bag

1 charm pack bag

1 round robin flower block

 48 Mystery blocks

3 campers

2 Moda Love

2 yellow RSC fish

5 Vesta blocks

17 teacups

PHD Report

Well, it is almost a bit embarassing to show this list.  It was so small a year ago and it has really grown this year.  My new starts for 2024 will definitely get finished, but my blocks of the months are growing.  It is fun though.

My goal started with 12 to be finished and I am currently at 13 needing to be finished.  In my defense, two tops are at the quilter's right now and will be done by next week.  Also, I have another quilt top that is being assembled this week and another just waiting for borders.

Here is the complete list of my wips, UFOs, new starts, and BOMS.  They are color coded.  Also, the yellow indicates quilts that I worked on in the month.

I updated my cute quilt planner with the same information. 

Also linking up with:

Put Your Foot Down


  1. Lots of lovely projects. I love those charm bags.

  2. Soooo many blocks and projects you've made. Well done Deana

  3. So many beautiful blocks Deana!! You are on busy lady!!

  4. Wow, you've done well this year.

  5. You are super organised....I thought one spread sheet was enough - you have totally out done that!

  6. Wow, that's a whole lot of sewing.

  7. That is a lot to get doneand I know you will blitz it. I really like your bags

  8. Amazing amount of sewing

  9. You are a very busy bee! love all your projects

  10. Maybe add your fish to the NZ quilt…like that mural of sharks in Wellington. Have fun making the kiwi. Cheers, Louise

  11. You are a machine! =) So many pretty blocks. I love the round robin flower block.

  12. Congratulations on your progress! Thanks for linking up with PHD in 2024.

  13. I love all of this! Including the lists . . .


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