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Sunday, September 17, 2023

A little more sewing...a little less work

 Yay, this week was the first week since school started that I was able to come home on time for a couple of days.  I am finally getting my head above water.

So, some sewing happened which made my whole week.

I made these 4 cute little dresdon plates.  They are always fun!

Here you can see which blocks they will go with.  Basically I am making 4 quilts in 4 different color combos.


Country Rose


I completed one more Celestial Star - not my favorite.  I am keeping it though because it was too much work to not keep it.  I just didn't pick the fabrics well.  I figure it will help my faves to shine.

Swap blocks I made for other people.

Oh, and look at these lovelies a friend of mine made for me in trade for finishing a BOM for her.  I love them so much!  I am still undecided on how I want to assemble them into a quilt.


  1. love all your blocks - I haven't done a Dresden plate in awhile it is on my list!!

  2. You have been busy in the sewing room. Love the blocks that your friend made.....very special.

  3. So glad you got a chance to work in some sewing time last week. Hopefully you will continue to stay caught up enough to enjoy your sewing room. Those Little Girl blocks are really sweet. You have nice friends.

  4. Your Dresdens look wonderful, you will be busy doing 4 quilts!! The girl/swap blocks are beautiful and so well made! Special from a friend.

  5. So many lovely blocks and the first sets will make four gorgeous quilts.
    Cute blocks your friend made.

  6. You were busy. Lots of lovely blocks.

  7. Those blocks from your friend are so special. Those 4 quilt will all look so different!

  8. Your Dresden plates and celestial stars all look wonderful to me. Great idea to have several quilts going in different colorways simultaneously! And those embroidered blocks from your friend are wonderful!

  9. try and keep busy there....LOL...putting me to shame for sure and i don't work at all!

  10. Well done on sewing all those blocks, and working as well, don't know how you do it!! Apart from some customer quilt progress, sewing is virtually non existent here.

  11. Those little blocks are wonderful - you will think of something.
    Love the Dresden plates . That is a lot of quilts!!!


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