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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

#4 Chookshed Challenge Linkup and I've been super busy!

 I have missed my regular check ins because life is busy.  School is taking lots of time  in preparation for end of year testing.  I have also been off playing every weekend.  It is great, but I am getting behind a little on things.

First up (ta da) a FINISH!

I also finished my Chookshed Challenge for March!  The top is done awaiting the news of what flavor of baby my son is getting.  If it is a girl, I will finish it baby sized.  If not, I will give it to my grand daughter and enlarge it a little with borders.  We shall see!

One RSC fish is made.  Maybe I will get the other one in before the first.  I kind of improved it (oops, meant to say improvised it.  It was not an improvement).  I won't do it on the second one though.  Sometimes I just like to play with sewing things in different ways.

Curved piecing added one piece at a time.

As for my weekend, we watched an enduro motorcycle race.  You wouldn't believe what these world class riders can do!  It was a great weekend date with my sweetheart!  We also went to some sand caves.

15 minutes Report

I missed last week.  I just couldn't get in a post, but I am still at 100%.


  1. Great finish and the crosses are sweet. xx

  2. Both finishes look wonderful. So glad you've been able to stitch even during your adventures. Hope this week has been as good.

  3. You have two beautiful quilts there and I just love that you are trying so many different techniques to make your fish blocks. The enduro and caves would have been fun to visit and well done on keeping up with your 15 minutes a day.

  4. A pretty finish and another near finish. Well done.

  5. such beautiful finishes.
    those sand caves look amazing!

  6. A lovely finish and soon you'll finish the other one.
    You've enjoyed some fun outings with hubby.
    Nice purple RSC purple fish.

  7. Great finishes and your adventures look lots of fun. Fabulous photos.

  8. Congratulations on the finished quilt and the completed top. Those sand castles are amazing

  9. Oops. Also wanted to say that I didn’t get anything done on my no. 4 challenge this month. Maybe I’ll catch up one month.

  10. You've had a very busy month.

  11. Well done on your finishes, two wonderful quilts. The sand caves look amazing. Hope the business eases for you soon.

  12. What a fun day out there in the countryside.Nice photo too. We all get busy don’t appologise

  13. posted my sad excuse for the challenge......but I did get 30-40 blocks cut for the quilt.........

  14. beautiful quilts and that cove looks pretty cool.........motor bike riders sure are crazy.........


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