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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Chookshed Challenge Mid-Month Check in Linky Party

 It is time for our first ever 2025 mid-month check on.  How are you doing on your January Chookshed number?

How am I doing?  Progress has happened but it is slow.  I took some cockateil blocks to a sewing day and found I was missing pieces to finish it.  The pieces have been corrected and are ready to sew.

Please share your progress by joining the linky party below.


I did some chain sewing on my new BOM with friends called Autumn Afternoon. You can see the strip hanging on the wall.

I have also been getting my 15 minutes in doing a Christmas stitchery.  

Here is my 15 minutes report for the first bit of January.


  1. I just put the last hand stitches on my block for January #6! I've been taking a few pictures as I go along so I can email you a little report. I'll try and get to that tomorrow!🥰

  2. Great progress. I hit my January Chookshed goal, and I'm up to date on most of my monthly goals too.

  3. A good start to the year. Nice to see a variety of projects progressing.

  4. I just realized that I hadn't picked a project for January. My goal for the month is to get my center block made for the 2025 SAHRR challenge and finish the first round.

    1. Im thinking of using my block I finished for this challenge for the center of SAHRR!

  5. And I have seven blocks on the Baltimore Album quilted and half of a tree on the Temperature Tree. And empty calendar and snow sure help!

  6. Great work!! I love how you are tracking your progress.

  7. Good progress. Those cockies look big. I haven’t started on my no. 6…..

  8. ooh...very intrigued by your cockatiel blocks


Welcome all comments! We LOVE to hear that others are visiting and viewing our projects. It makes our day.