This photo shows all of my blocks to date.
This photo shows the four main projects that I'm working on each month. I've been trying to get one snowman block done per month. I enjoy them and they are a nice fit into my life because they give me hand work at all those ballgames.

I placed one of the "Star Crazy" blocks at the top just to show dimension for those of you who are making that quilt. The "Omigosh" quilt blocks are really small. The little squares will finish 1/2". My goal is to do 18 a month. I am a month behind, however, because of my husband's two week hospital stay and Easter. I don't plan to catch up all at once, maybe a couple a month.
I wanted to show a "teaser" of my Dorinda quilt top. It is all together but folded up. Notice how large the blocks are compared to the "Omigosh". I still have two corners left to complete but the applique is all basted so half the work in them are done. I SO WANT to have it on the frames for hand quilting by June.
Wow. Love your stars. So glad you are about ready to put the quilt on the frames. Wish I had the time to come help you, but June is crazy.