Marie was kind enough to take me in for the weekend so I could stay and watch the games. Here are some photos of our adventures.

Our first stop was Virgil's sister, Linda's, home to care for Virgil's mother. It was heart wrenching to watch someone so trapped inside their body. I took some photos of Marie doing her applique there. She always works on it on her days to care for her mother-in-law, Helen. This is the progress on Marie's third border.

Here is a photo of Marie and I working on our projects together. This is the first time, as far as I am aware of, where any of us has been able to get together to work on it. Mom, Felicity, and I did dye samples earlier and drew up the pattern together but that was all. NOTICE THE SIZE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MINE AND MARIE'S!! I am close to finishing my second border.

This photo shows the results of our shopping venture. Linda suggested two shops in her neck of the woods; the first was the Bernina store with a 50% off sale. I overindulged while Marie bought some stack-n-wack fabrics.

At our second stop I found some coordinating prints to add to a collection I found on my way up to Marie's. I am thinking about making Buggy Barn Hearts out of them.
By the way, Jolynn's team took second place at state with a 1 point loss. Here is a photo of her, in the front, and the other four freshman.

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