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Wednesday, April 6, 2022

April One Monthly Goal

Yay, it is time to link up April's One Monthly Goal!!  Boy, I sure hope I do better this month than last.  Not to worry though, I was way ahead in January and very close in February.

My American Patchwork & Quilting's UFO Challenge # for April is #9.  Hello Windmill Quilt.  I love you and am excited to get you into a finished top stage.  You will also be my One Monthly Goal.

I have 5 blocks done and 15 to go.  The strip piecing is done, but I still need to cut out wedges for half of them.  The border pieces are also strip sewn together.  My hopes is that I can make 4 blocks and one border a week.

By the way...drum roll please...

Masterpiece returned from the quilter.  Yay, this baby just needs a binding!

She did a lovely job!!


  1. Masterpiece is just that a Masterpiece! Great job. Best of luck on your Goal-I've given up on those!

  2. You are off to a good start with your windmills. Masterpiece certainly lives up to its name.

  3. Your Masterpiece is stunning! The wheels are going to be gorgeous too.

  4. Wow - Masterpiece certainly is a masterpiece - well done on the finish! I hope you meet your goal for this month as The Windmill quilt will also be stunning.

  5. Lovely colours for the blades of your Windmill Quilt.
    Your Masterpiece quilt is indeed a Masterpiece....
    Fantastic quilting....

  6. Wow! Masterpiece is putting it mildly!!!!!

  7. That will be a fun quilt! Masterpiece if beautiful! Good luck with your goals for April.

  8. Master piece looks stunning. All those lovely windmills waiting to happen. Have fun with them.

  9. Good to get a quilt back from the quilter, now it's just the binding to do. Good luck with your goal for April.

  10. finished quilt a true masterpiece...good luck with the OMG!

  11. oh masterpiece will be finished in no time.............


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