Wednesday, May 8, 2024

To Do Tuesday and more quiltyness happenings

 To Do Tuesday - Last time's goals:

1. Finish Vesta blocks⬓.  I am super close.  Just two more centers to hand applique' on.
2.  Assemble Pineapple Quilt
3. Mystery units progress
4.  Cut Moda Love blocks
5. Sew Moda Love blocks
6.  Choose Baradine camper fabric

7. Exercise daily X - not every day

This week's Goals:

1. Bind pineapple quilt
2. Bind mystery quilt
3. Backing for Cross My Heart
4. May Vesta Blocks
5. Nutmeg block
6. Prep measuring cups and spoon
7. Prep Let's Bake Words

I thought I would add the last of my photos from my local retreat.

Mother-Daughter in law pair. One is local while the other comes from Arizona to our retreat.

Show N Tell Night - part of our circle

Raffle Blocks we all made

Special gift to someone who is dealing with lots of health problems and cancer.  She will undergo surgery after the retreat.  She was gifted this quilt.

This is the inside of an Altoid tin.  So cute!

Trail Mix was a mystery quilt hosted by the guild.

My design made by a friend.


  1. looks like lots of fun....i don't exercise every day either....cardioman is ok with

  2. Such a fun group of quilts. That Spooky House quilt is my favorite. You definitely have some talented friends.

  3. Cuantas colchas maravillosas. BESICOS.

  4. Such a fun time. How nice for your friend to receive a comforting quilt when she is having health issues, this gift must be a real pick-me-up for her.

  5. Love seeing the show and tell....thank you, Deana!

  6. Lots of lovely show and tell . Great to see some different versions of "Trail Mix"

  7. Lovely show and tell. Thank you.

  8. Beautiful show n tell. Lovely quilts

  9. I so enjoy seeing happy faces at these retreats. And my what a beautiful array of quilts! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  10. great pics from your that tin so cute.........

  11. What a lovely collection of quilts from the ladies on retreat. All the best to the lady facing her cancer journey. I think I really like that Trail mix quilt I think Janis made one. Take Care


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