Monday, May 6, 2024

May Goals and 15 Minutes Report

What are in the sewing room plans for May at my house.

Well, there are my ten blocks of the month:

1. Fishy Business

2. Country Rose

3. Jewel of the Caribbean

4. Nutmeg

5. Kaffe

6. Let's Bake

7. Quilted Witch

8. Vesta

9. Life's Little Stitches round robins

10. Aussie/NZ Memory Quilt

In addition, I plan to finish two tops:

Cross My Heart - needs borders

Teapots/Teacups - needs assembly and borders

I also plan to bind 2 quilts that I will pick up from the quilter tomorrow.

I think that should be enough.

15 Minutes to Stitch Report:

I am still at 100%.  


  1. You are doing so good with your challenge and you have quite the variety of projects to work on! Those 15 mins. per day is adding up and it shows!

  2. Lots of lovely projects. I've thought about making the quilted witch so look forward to seeing yours.

  3. You always have so many interesting projects on the go, I'm always impressed!

  4. Such fabric happiness to see here. Those teapots are fun. What a cheery quilt this will be.

  5. Gosh, you are very consistent with your stitching, well done

  6. That is a very loooooong list. Good luck with getting through it.

  7. very ambitious list there....oh i do love the teapots!

  8. Yeah for maintaining 100% stitching time. That's an achievement with work and additional chores due to Your Guys finger injury. How is he doing?


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