Friday, May 17, 2024

Late To Do Tuesday and Late mid-month checkin Chookshed Challenge

 So sorry for my tardiness lately bloggy friends.  I have caught a little something that has worn me out this past week.  I have also been working long long hours as well.  Two more days of school next week and I will be free for a couple of months!  Yay Yay!  

Let us begin with the Chookshed Challenge Mid-Month Check in.  I have not started my kiwi birdies yet - well, I printed the pattern if that counts as a start.  I will maybe take them with me to work on when I visit Chris next week.

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To Do Tuesday

Last week's list:

1. Bind pineapple quilt ✔

This is the back - love it!

2. Bind mystery quilt 

My two newly finished quilts are rolled up on the chair by the entryway.

3. Backing for Cross My Heart 

It is ready for the quilter.

4. May Vesta Blocks *started one block

In addition to that goal, I finally got those pesky points done on the green applique' middles.  I took the advice of another lady in the group to split the seams open and tuck the excess into the seam.  It worked.  They are far from perfect but done enough for me.
Love the way they look so different as they are arranged differently.  This would be a fun block to do an entire quilt in.  I have a feeling that I will feel that way about most of the Vesta block patterns.  

5. Nutmeg block ✔  It is the one in the bottom left corner.  It is also the only one done with hand applique'.  The others are machine blanket stitched.  Remember, these blocks go into four totally different quilts instead of together in one.

6. Prep measuring cups and spoon * started - these measuring spoons will all fit on that one square.  It is not very big.

7. Prep Let's Bake Words ✔  - Let's Bake words are fused but not stitched on yet.  I have also been working on the cross stitch recipe block.  I am pretty sure it will be a cake recipe when it is complete.

This week's list:

1.  Do more hand work on the cake recipe block

2.  Prep May's Fishy Business Blocks

3. Cut out round robin blocks to take to Chris' Retreat.  I have four of them.

    a. tree

    b. purse

    c. star puzzle

    d. lemon star

4. Cut out setting blocks for my teapot quilt

It will be a short week.  It is already Friday (not Tuesday), I will be out playing at a Quilt and Craft Festival with friends tomorrow, and I work Monday and Tuesday.  Wish me luck!


  1. Great progress on those many lovely projects. Enjoy your well deserved break.

  2. I don't know how you manage all the beautiful projects and work. You really do deserve that nice long break.

  3. Oh my goodness you have been so busy.

  4. So many different types of blocks. Those Vesta blocks are really awesome. Congrats on the finishes. The pineapple quilt is so fun and colorful. Does it have a home?

  5. gosh i don't work and have difficulty keeping up with you

  6. You amaze me with how much you get done. Hope you feel well enough to get to retreat. I’m sure you will sew up a storm. Great finishes too. You have a lot planned over the next few weeks so enjoy your break.

  7. I agree with Lou...........busy busy.........
    kiwi birds is on my list this month also.........must remember to print some off.........
    have a fabulous time with Chris.........

  8. Each time I visit your lovely place there are always so many beautiful pretties to see! The pineapple quilt is beautiful and oh yes....the gorgeous! I must say those 'pesky corners' look impossible to get right, but you seem to have mastered them. However did you do it??!! How exciting your summer school holidays are just about here. I would be dancing for joy about that!

  9. The finished quilts look fabulous

  10. You are definitely super woman to achieve all that and work too. the blocks are so different and interesting.

  11. I can't believe your output! Here I am struggling to put a few stitches in my Chookshed 5! It's all beautiful and what I appreciate is that the projects are all so different.

  12. For someone who is not feeling 100% you have done very well. Those Vesta blocks look very challenging.

  13. Love your Kiwi blocks, you have been super busy! Hope you are feeling much better now.


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