Sunday, August 4, 2024

Trip to Colorado with Mom and Dad

Dad LOVES auctions!  He tries to make it to his favorite ones each year.  My husband and I went with him and Mom to Colorado to an Amish community auction.  Among horses, buggies, saddles, and horse tack, we found some other treasures.

Dad bought Mom this table and chairs made from harness hames and horse shoes.  I love unique furniture.  Dad is putting this on his porch.

He also purchased a horse, harnesses, leather, horse blankets, and saddle trees.  He needs absolutely NONE OF THEM!  He collects them.  I am not exaggerating when I say he likely has over 50 saddles and harnesses.

I bought this sign.

I waited around all day to buy one of two old Singer sewing machines.  

This one came with the booklet stating it was from 1906.  It is a hand crank.  It was in a beautiful, pristine case with an old key to unlock it.

The other Singer machine was from 1955 and works great.  I didn't get photos.

Sadly, I came home without either one.  I should have bid higher on the old one pictured above because it only went for $100.  I really didn't want a "collector" machine and was more interested in actually sewing on the one that worked.

We stayed in a super unique hotel.  It hosted two drive in movies each night that could be watched out the windows of our rooms.  I have neve seen anything like it.  The sound was put through right to our rooms.  It was called the Movie Manor and each door had a famous actor or actress named on the door.  We had the Audrey Hepburn Room.

The restaurant next door had Hollywood names written all over in the sidewalk.

It was a sleepy, old town.  Here was the view outside the hotel on the side opposite the drive-in movie screens.

We ate at Starvin' Arvin's.  Yummy!  I ordered breakfast.

The drive was so beautiful!  We went to Colorado one direction and came back a different way which gave us completely different views.  On the way home we went across the great divide over Wolf Creek Pass.

My husband wishes to complete his own walking trail some day.  You can see the one on the map.  Utah is to the left, and we have walked/biked all the way across the state north to south.  At some point we will go through Wyoming and tie into the Continental Divide Trail.  My husband will do the Arizona trail alone when he retires and I am still working.

On this trip I completed some fish applique'.  You can see the completed ones up on my design wall.


  1. Lovely to read about your road trip. Love your blocks on the design wall.

  2. What a wonderful trip away you all had. Seems such an interesting place to visit.

  3. Woe - what a fun hotel watching movies out the windows...sounds like you have been having a ball!

  4. What a great trip. Love the table and chairs, such a shame you missed out on the sewing machine. xx

  5. I bought a crank machine last year and LOVE it! Of course it is very basic...only goes forward, no reverse, no doodads, but it's super fun to use and I use it a lot! It's dates the same year as the one you saw. I take it out on the front porch and enjoy the birds, the breeze and crank away. $100 was a steal, I'm sorry you missed it.

  6. That table and chairs are really fun. Sounds like a great mini trip with a fun hotel and great scenery.

  7. Your trip sounds like so much fun. I'm so sorry you missed the sewing machine. I've never seen a 27K in such great condition. The hotel sounds like a great place to stay. The fish are coming along!


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