Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July Chookshed linky, 15 minutes, PHD, and other things

Ok, so we didn't do a mid-month check in linky for the Chookshed Challenge.  I didn't have internet mid month.  Here is the linky for your progress on July's number.  We would love to see what you accomplished!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

As for me, I finished a top and sent it off to the quilter!  Hooray!  There were many many hours of hand stitchin' in this one.  I have renamed it my Rubicon Quilt.  Despite using my stash and a busy background,  I really do like it.  It was also a great memory doing it with Janice as well.  Virtual sewing with friends really is fun!

15 Minutes Report

I have stayed strong this year in my 15 minutes of sewing each day.  Hand work has really made it possible when I have been away from my machine.  Woohoo!!

What does my PHD progress look like?  Well, check out my spreadsheet list below.
There were no July finishes; however, one is at the quilter right now.

Looking at my list below, BOMs are in pink.  My Aussie/NZ quilt didn't get any attention this month, but I have kept up pretty good on the rest.  Four of these BOMs will have their last blocks made in August.  Hopefully I will be able to cross them off the BOM list soon.

These are 4 of my BOM blocks made in July.    One more block for each of these quilts in August and I will have them all done!

A few "Let's Bake" blocks have been coming along.  These ones are complete.


  1. You had a great month and lovely to have a completed top in there.

  2. Well done - you are keeping up with the challenge! Just as well I didn't sign up for it, I would be way behind now.

  3. Well done, you are meeting your challenge and all your targets! You have made many beautiful blocks.

  4. Well done on finishing the LBQ Mystery Quilt top. I looking forward to seeing the quilting. I can’t believe that you are still at 100% on your 15 minutes. A great effort.

  5. Congrats on the 100% stitching time. It's doable, but you have to be prepared. You did so well on that front while you were on the road. You are slightly ahead of me on the PHD report, I've just gotten my third finish back from the quilter. Congrats on all the progress this year. You've definitely been moving along with several projects.

  6. You have been very productive. So many beautiful projects on the go and your quilt looks lovely. Well done! I feel exhausted just looking at your lists lol.

  7. Wow, you've got so many lovelies happening ... well done!

  8. You have made great progress

  9. Lots of progress! All the blocks are pretty.

  10. Still amazed at your organisation.......


Welcome all comments! We LOVE to hear that others are visiting and viewing our projects. It makes our day.