Thursday, May 30, 2024

Recent adventures Post #1...and some sewing

Crazy busy here at Dreamworthy Quilts! 

A few things have been sewn:

Vesta blocks for month #2.  They still need some circle applique on the tips of the fan points - LOVE THEM!  I could seriously make an entire quilt just from this block!

This month's round robin blocks were completed.  I love that purse!

I am joining a couple of linky parties to show my recent work.

Songbird Designs Monday Musings
Small Quilts and Doll Quilts Design Wall Monday
Inquiring Quilter Wednesday Wait Loss
Quilt Fabrication Midweek Makers
My Quilt Infatuation Needle and Thread Thursday
Quiltery Put Your Foot Down

We went to my niece's wedding. She was a beautiful bride.  Left to right, niece (brother's daughter), bride's friend, bride's older sister, bride, bride's littlest sister, bride's sister-in-law, bride's other older sister, and bride's cousin.


My daughter ran, swam, and biked a triathlon.  I am so proud of her!

Here she is with her four littles.

These four planned their own picnic.

One grand learned to tie his shoes.

Granddaughter learned to ride her bike.

The twins had a birthday.  They are getting big!  The one little guy has decided he will only wear "cowboy clothes".

I wonder why?  This is their life.

I was not able to make it to support my daughter at her triathlon because I was camping with my other daughter's family.  We rode motorcycles and her husband even brought a hot tub out on a trailer for us to enjoy out in the middle of no where.  It was a hoot!!  Tiki torches were lit, music was playing, and the green/red lights flashed fireworks on the camp trailers.

Good friends in the photo below with my daughter.  You should check out this video of my daughter driving a 4x4 Camaro her husband and my husband built for her.  It also shows the hot tub party, us in our trailers, the kids, and the kids riding motorcycles.

I survived the last month of school - yay!  We actually had to completely move everything out of our classrooms because we are getting new carpet.  I took photos to remind me how everything goes back together in my little teacher corner.


  1. Well done to your daughter! Such a pretty wedding group too. Love the hot tub

  2. What a busy time - Congratulation's to your daughter - that hot tub does look inviting.

  3. Definitely lots of fun adventures to end the school year. Congrats to your daughter on the triathelon finish. Hope you can get in lots of fun family time and a good deal of stitching time over the summer.

  4. Wow you've been busy! Such fun you've been having with the grands and your daughters. I can't believe they brought a hot tub out to nowhere but it sure looks fun. I bet the stars were pretty. Love your Vesta block. So pretty. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. What fun! (With the exception of the classroom cleanout!). Congratulations to your daughter, that's an amazing feat! I'm sure the hot tub was well worth the transport to get it there!! :) Enjoy the summer ahead~

  6. Happy family times indeed!

  7. What a fun trip. Love the hot tub on the trailer AND the 4x4 Camaro!! I had a 69 I used to put on the drag strip occasionally back when I was young and I'm just foolish! LOL Love your Vesta block. It is fantastic! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  8. glad you made it to the end of term...........OMG your always on some funny taking a hot tub camping........the camro reminds me of the "beast" we had although it wasn't hotted up but it made a great shooting wagon with the roof cut out......

  9. and your nieces wedding was beautiful...........

  10. Gosh what an interesting post - whew you made it to the end of the term! Fascinating video - great having wide open spaces to enjoy! Love the hot tub :-) Lovely photo from your niece's wedding.


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