Monday, April 15, 2024

Me not at Scrub Stitchin' (boo hoo tears)

This is me, upper right,  NOT at Scrub Stitchin' but zooming with the bunch instead.  We started off early with Janice, the tour guide, Susan, and Lou.  

Chris joined us shortly after.  We also got to see snippets of the Scrub Stitchers in Baradine.  Hello Jenny, Sharmayne, and Lianne.  I need help with some of the other names.

Chooky shows up!

And then there were Janice, Karen, and Gail... 

We were all together last year except for Karen.

It truly felt like I was there.  When I first got on Janice was taking us around the room showing us what was on the walls, tables, and such.  Not too much later Chooky was with us and we were given a complete tour of everyone's projects.  Here are a few I was able to screenshot thanks to a tour by Sharmayne.

Annette was stitching.

The ladies are making braids this year.


Hatched and Patched pattern for the Scrub Stitchers this year...

Janice and I made this mystery quilt together.  She has all her applique' done and was ready to hook it all together.  Mine is no that far.

Janice's quilt again.  I believe there enough of us that want to do one that we may start something together online.  It looks like a scrap buster to me.


Maureen - tiny stripped log cabin blocks

Sue's braid


Sue (up the road Sue)

Lee's project


I recognize Jenny's bag from last year because I fell in love with her green scissor Tula Pink fabric.



Love these ladies and the memories we made last year together in Australia!


  1. That was a great post - taking the screen shots was a great idea

  2. Thanks Deana for taking me along to see what the ladies were doing at Scrub Stitching . It was far too early for me to hop onto Zoom.
    I do like that scrappy quilt of Janice’s. Would be a good to make !

  3. You did well to screen shot so much. I was too busy looking.

  4. great photos of your stuff and the SS gals...anxious to get back to normal life and all my sewing stuff and projects....heading home to MD on thursday

  5. You did great........ Lovely to see you all... Missed your all being here.....

  6. Thanks for the Scrub stitching tour, I missed the zoom, and been thinking about where we were last year, tonight is catching up with blog reading, so far behind!!!

  7. Some very fun projects in the works. So glad you got to stitch along with them for a bit, even if it's just virtually.

  8. What fun projects! So great that you were able to go to Australia to see the Scrub Stitchers last year. I'm sure that made the Zoom a lot more meaningful to see friends again. Enjoyed meeting you on Zoom last night.


Welcome all comments! We LOVE to hear that others are visiting and viewing our projects. It makes our day.