Thursday, November 12, 2020

I like Thursday #13

Check out LA Paylor's I Like Thursday links here.

 Since this is my 13th post, I am glad that Friday the 13th isn't until tomorrow.  My mother says that my paternal grandmother was superstitious.  I am NOT.  Are you?  Do you know anyone who is?

This week's likes:

1. The first snow of the season.  

Sorry, I didn't take pictures.  It was so so beautiful but kept me home last Sunday when the twins were blessed.  The pass over the mountain was just too scary.  The good news is that I got to zoom in.  Because of Covid, many did which helps to keep my little ones safer.

2. Thanksmas back home.  

Yes, our family did get together to celebrate the two holidays before the real holidays.  It was our first time and will now be an annual activity.  We had a shotgun shoot, beat up a pinata, fish pond for the kids, gift exchange game, nerf gun war, and a quilt selection thing at mom's house.

Mom has made quilts for all of her married grandchildren.  Only 6 out of 21 grand children are currently married, but mom wanted the others to choose their quilt for when they wed in the future.  The youngest grandchildren are 8.  Mom struggles to sew now that she has dementia.  It has taken her years to make these 21 quilts and many many more, and I have machine quilted many of them for her.  As the quilts came out, I could tell each of their stories.  I remembered buying fabric with my mom, designing blocks for her, calculating yardage for her, sewing with her, and so so much more.  Dad wants me to write the quilt stories, and so I will.

P.S. Mom would kill me if she new her face was online.  She hates getting her picture taken.

"A" chose this one.  I quilted it for Mom. "A" is super special to our family because she was adopted by my brother and sister-in-law. A young mother hand picked them to become her parents and they were not even looking to adopt. They already had 3 children of their own. A truly came to us from God. We love her.

"T" automatically gets this one.  When he was about 4, he went to the fabric store with Mom.  She was packing around bolts of fabric, so he chose one to pack around too.  He really liked it, and it went with what she was picking out so she bought it.  It just always stuck as his quilt after that.

Mom chose a log cabin pattern from a book she gave us all for Christmas one year. We have talked of making a quilt from the book together but have not yet.  Perhaps 2021 will see that happen. 
Mom hand quilted this one recently. 

"P" gets this.  It was a round robin where many of us in the family along with some friends made a block.  Mom isn't quite done hand quilting it yet. She can still do that beautifully. 
I made the large watering can block in the center with a crow on it.

"A" chose this one.  It was a double wedding ring we did as a family  and friend round robin years ago.  It is beautifully hand quilted by Mom.  As it was folded neatly on the couch, no one chose it. Once it was opened and I told its story, "A" spoke for it immediately. 

I had to leave after these were sorted out, but I will try to gather the other photos and tell the stories they hold in later posts.

How were the quilts selected?  Each grand was able to put their name on two choices. Where there were multiple people wanting the same quilt, a name was randomly drawn.

3.  Honestly, I love that I get to go to school 5 days a week and mingle among the youth.  It gets me through those depressing days that linger every now and again.


  1. Lovely stories about your Mom and her quilts. You should write them all down. The Grands (especially the littles) won't remember all the stories. Glad you stayed home when the snow flew and that you family was able to get together for Thanksmas-It seems a good time was had by all.

  2. What a wonderful family tradition, Thanksmas in advance of the holidays (and before all of the awful commercialization gets underway). It sounds like a wonderful time was had by all, and I did love seeing the quilts with your family members. Please do share the stories of your mom's quilts with us.

  3. What a beautiful and touching post that was.

  4. How wonderful that your mother was able to make all these quilts and the grandchildren chose them. Glad you were able to share in the with the twins blessing by Zoom.

  5. How wonderful the grandchildren get to choose a quilt made by your Mum. It js very special that they all have family connections.

  6. Hi Deana! I am not superstitious but I do take note of Friday the 13th. They are very few and far between this year, oddly enough. Gosh, the story of the 21 quilts is just fabulous. I LOVE that your Mom did this and was able to see her littles (now, not so little) pick out their quilt. {{Hugs}} to you for agreeing to write their stories down. That is priceless and it tears me up just thinking how cool it is. Aww, A is so excited to be having her quilt - what a sweetie. A true gift from God. T must be the 8-year-old, and he looks quite happy with his quilt as well. Your Mom is beautiful!! Each of these stories is better than the last. Thank you for sharing these. {{Hugs}} I am thankful for having a job and going to work each day, too. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. What a sweet family tradition! They will love their quilts. I just gifted my first big quilt quilted on my new machine. It went to my great niece, kindergartener. Her mom sent me a photo of her holding the quilt, it had her favorite color in it, TEAL! LOL

  8. What a great way to share quilts. They're all beautiful. Yay for zoom (it's so useful these days!).

  9. These quilts are such a blessing for everyone - those receiving and those observing. It’s wonderful to know the story behind them too. I’m so glad that you were able to see the blessing, in spite of the snowstorm. Yes, the young ones bring such joy in life.

  10. A lovely post..
    Pleased you could Zoom the babies blessings.

  11. There will be so many stories shared as well as memories. Thos quilts are so precious

  12. How wonderful for each of the grandchildren to choose their quilt now and what a labour of love this must have been for your Mum over the years. It is great that she is still able to do hand quilting.

  13. An absolutely beautiful array of quilts; what a legacy for your Mom and those kids will learn to treasure them. How kind you are too to help your Mom achieve all this.

  14. Isn't Zoom the best invention for these times?! I'm so thankful so many of us have been able to use to see our far away loved ones. Your mom's quilts are wonderful, and how great that she continues to sew and quilt through her struggle with dementia. That has to be a blessing for her and your family!

  15. I just feel so much love coming from you... that helps those of us feeling isolated, knowing there is love out there. I was not so lucky being adopted, and was so happy to hear how A was a gift from God, yes.

  16. I love that the kids got to pick their quilt. Your mother's quilts are amazing! These are memories you will all cherish later. Hugs!

  17. I'm very moved by your post, such a wonderful family story around quilts. Beautiful gifts, and it's a very good idea to write about all these quilts for kids to not forget about it.

  18. Your mom made some beautiful quilts for her grandchildren. What a lovely gift for them! I still have afghans my grandmother made for me when I was a child. I treasure them!

  19. Wow gorgeous quilts, and those children are truly blessed. Your mom is beautiful.

  20. such special quilts for the grandkids.......


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