Friday, August 3, 2018

Fisherman Fred and a basket - love it!

Here is my Month 7 of "Sweet Land of Liberty" that I changed to "Pieceful Country".  Originally I was bummed that I didn't have enough reds and blues to do the Americana quilt.  Now that I have changed it to country colors and a country theme, I LOVE IT!  With the guidance of Humble Quilts and others in the group, I have thrived on the creativity in this quilt as I made it my own.  I used my leftover Dear Jane fabrics and am nearly out.  This quilt was a perfect fit for them. 

Please check out the other Sweet Land of Liberty quilts in progress at Humble Quilts.  

Instead of a flag I opted to make a Fisherman Fred.  If you are going to have a Sun Bonnet Sue, you have to have Fred.  I still need to add a fishing line to Fred's pole.  The fish is just flying in mid air for now.  My fish was also a Buggy Barn pattern.

I chose a Buggy Barn pattern for the basket and added the bird and applique' flower from another Buggy Barn pattern book.  I think this is my very favorite section in the whole quilt.  I love it so much that I think it will end up moving toward the middle instead of the bottom when I do my final assembly. 

I love the way the basket section of the block turned out so well that I may just make a whole quilt of them at some point.  They just look so fun with the bird and flower added.

My stars have plenty of room to trim down to a rectangle as guided by the instructions, but I am leaving them big for now to true later.  They will be bigger than they are supposed to be though.  No worries, I will fit them in however they be.  I think I even made a couple extra. 

Here is the quilt laid out, although it is still subject to some moving around (especially the Fisherman Fred section).  I decided to quit making the economy blocks and just do flying geese for the side borders.  I just wanted it a little more uniform.  You can see that I will need to make more. 

I experimented with putting stars on one side but likely won't use it.  I don't have enough large pieces of fabric left to make those Buggy Barn style stars.

Because Buggy Barn patterns have you make more than one block at a time, I have extras.  I also have extra stars and economy blocks.  I want to put them on the back if I don't use them on the front.  Putting blocks on the back is so cute.

Here are my leftover blocks.

 I have been busy making Buggy Barn horses for another quilt for my grand children.  I only have two babies for now and am getting a third in less than 2 months.  I want to have small quilts that stay at Grandma's house for them to snuggle in when they visit.  I visualize us watching movies or reading stories under them.  This horse quilt is the first.

Each horse will be in its own barn when this project is finished.  I made one extra for the back.  It will be hard to choose which one gets the shaft.  The horses will have eyes and nostrils as well.

I am linking up with:

Can I Get a Whoop Whoop?
Friday Foto Fun
Needle and Thread Thursday
Midweek Makers
Wednesday Wair Loss
Finish it Up Friday


  1. Wow I love your unique blocks. I can't wait to see this finished.

  2. oh my goodness, I love it!!

    thanks so much for linking up!

  3. That is fabulous! Fisherman caught one BIG fish for himself. Love the Buggy Barn patterns.

  4. Adorable quilt and so much room for creativity. It's obvious you're having a blast. So cute. The horse quilt will be adorable! Thanks for linking them both to Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. I really like your Not-A-SLOL quilt. Yes, put that more central, it's a great block! The horses are adorable and will be very loved.

  6. These are so cute!!! I love all the animals, so adorable!

  7. These are such fun projects... Very cute too

  8. Which Buggy Barn Book has the horse pattern? My horse-loving g’daughter would love it! Rcoyle at olemiss dot edu


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