Saturday, January 4, 2020

Deana: What will I be working on in January?

Gail over at is hosting a PHD challenge.  I believe I have participated the past two years, one year with great success and the other not so much.  I am doing it again in 2020.  You can still sign up for a few more days.  The idea is to finish 12 UFOs this year and finish everything new you start this year.  It is a great way to get those projects off your list.

I am also hosting a UFO number draw challenge.  The number for January is 10 and mine is an oldie that perhaps would never get done if its number had not come up.  I will be working on the same projects for both challenges.  Come on over and join that one as well if you like.  Unlike the PHD challenge, the UFO NDC does not require complete finishes.  You just set goals of whatever progress you desire.  You can also rearrange your numbered items to fit your needs.  Sign up anytime here and report on your progress at the end of the month linky.

January 2020:

I will be working on a few projects this month.  I like variety and have a couple that are very close to finished.

I hope to get the stars or the cats sewn together this month, and if I am lucky, both.  My barnyard blocks will be complete once they are done.  I have a friend making them with me and she comes over 1-3 times a month.

I typically wouldn't think to put a cat in my barnyard quilt, but my friend insists it is a must.  I am glad we are adding at least one.  My friend is also doing a barnyard turkey, but I am not.

These stars will be fillers.  Yes, these blocks are Buggy Barn patterns.  I am an addict!

I am also so so so close to a Periwinkle finish.  I quilted three blocks different trying to decide my favorite.  I have picked out two now and will pick the third out today.  All I have to do is quilt those three blocks and I will be ready to attach the binding that is already made.

Here is the Periwinkle work in progress at the machine.

 You can still see some threads in the middle of the round block that need to be removed.  I am getting close.

This is the last block to pick out.  It was a cute pattern, but I chose one that would go faster.  

This is the pattern I settled on instead.

Speaking of bindings,  here is a pile ready to be attached to finished quilts.  They look kind of cute stacked up in my sewing room, but will look better on a finished quilt.

I got the borders on my NYB finished last night just in time for my grand daughter to arrive for a play day today.  Otherwise, it would have been on the floor and in the way.

My daughter made these adorable cans for my sewing room for Christmas.  I love them and have only begun to organize with them.  They are cute and simple.

While I am showing snippets of my sewing room, I may as well show a couple of special things that were my grandmothers.  She loved to piece quilts and hand quilt them.  The little glass dish is hers as well as the doily under the bin.

I am linking up today with:

Foto Fun Friday
Can I get a whoop whoop?
Gail's PHD
Peacock Party


  1. Ilove your cat and star, so cute! Lovely New York Beauty!

  2. I love your NYB! I remember you were piecing blocks the same time I was. Your blocks are so complex - and that is a great layout!

  3. I love your NYB! We are having a workshop on that pattern this year with my guild, can't wait! And #10 is perfect for me since it is Freyja, which is my name for Frolic! How perfect to finish it this month once the clues are all out.

  4. Your NYB quilt is gorgeous! Congrats on getting it to the finished quilt top stage. The quilting on Periwinkle is very pretty. You've been busy this year.


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