Saturday, January 9, 2021

I Like Thursday #18

 Here it is Saturday and I only just realized I forgot to post for I Like Thursday.  Sometimes it takes me a spell to get through all those posts, so I decided to participate late.

Thank you Leeanna for this delightful linky parade!

It was a wonderful week!

1. Family time

I had to photograph these old buildings. I could see me making a quilt of them. 

I loved this fence.

As well as this adorable house.

2. School this week went smooth

3. I found out I can get the  Covid 19 vaccine in a couple weeks. 

4. My son brought home a nice girl this week.


  1. Thats a cool fence.... Glad you got some family time....

  2. I love that house too...and the fence. Nice girls always make a mama happy. 😉

  3. Great news on the vaccine! Totally loving that teal colored house.


  4. Lots of good news in your post and great photos. That teal house is so pretty, great seeing the snow. Good news about the vaccine.

  5. Interesting fence..
    Lovely to spend family time..

  6. It’s so great you can spend some time with family. Lovely to see some interesting photos. Yes they would make a great quilt. Even that circle partial quilt you did as a group. How old is your son. A newbie to the family is always different.

  7. Some very inspiring photos and developments in your family and on your blog! Love that fence, wall and the buildings!!!

  8. Quilters see a future quilt everywhere.


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